JCC Featured Article!

We have so much to be thankful for over the past year. From officially becoming a 501C3 to the tremendous support of our community fundraising and being able to send 19 young students to an array of sports and yoga camps in honor of Chadwick. Most recently we're grateful to Todd Rockoff and his team at the JCC for featuring us in their quarterly magazine and being open to collaborating with Chad's Champions!

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Joel DeLaRosa
Two Champions attend JCC Winter Camp
Jasarius and Crusito JCC Camp.jpg

What a way to honor Chadwick's 33rd birthday (January 4th, 1986). We got a chance to meet with Jasarius and Crusito, 2 hardworking and respectful gentlemen who we sponsored to attend Winter Camp at the JCC this past week. Both boys were so full of character, just like Chad. Happy Birthday Weish, I know you're looking down proud.

Thank you to all of of supporters and partner organizations for making winter break a little more special for these 2 tremendous young men. #chadschampions #jcctucson #boysandgirlsclub

Joel DeLaRosa